Math Activities

Octopus Math File Folder Game

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Sea creatures and ocean life are a topic that seems to be interesting to so many children. So when my son developed a deep interest in them, this idea popped into my head. I knew immediately that I had to make it. That’s where this octopus counting

At creation, this counting file folder game was a bit advanced for my son to do unassisted, but in a few months or so, he will probably be able to go at it alone. For now, I can work with him on it. He can count a bit by himself, but we can continue to develop his one-to-one correspondence through this activity.

Materials I used:
file folder (I painted it with blue glitter watercolor)
multicolored paper
large sequins
number stickers
hook-n-loop circles

 I didn’t take any step-by-step shots because it’s fairly straight forward.  AND I was totally in the zone and didn’t even think of it!

octopus body made out of colored paper and glued onto file folder

sequins glued onto the tentacle strips then laminated

hook-n-loop to attach tentacles to appropriate numbers
((I usually put the fuzzy side on the removable pieces so they don’t stick to the couch))

envelope laminated onto the outside to store pieces

fun times, right?? 


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Andie Jaye

Andie Jaye is a former preschool teacher turned stay-at-home mom of 3 kiddos. Her blog, Do.Play.Learn., (formerly named Crayon Freckles), focuses on creative learning and play ideas, as well as parenting topics. Andie strives to be honest in her approach and experiences in parenting to let other moms know that they are not alone in their struggle. In her free time, she writes children’s books in hopes of publishing someday.

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  1. Such a great idea! We posted this on our site with your url.

  2. This is a great idea! When Rhett get's a little older I'm totally making this with him! You are such a creative mom. 🙂

  3. Thanks for linking to Crafts for Under Twenty Somethings! Loved the idea!


  4. Hello! I just found your blog and I really love your work! This is an excellent activity! I will definately do it with my class!

  5. I stumbled across this on Pinterest and I had to make it almost immediately! I put magnet strips on the back of everything so it has a home on the fridge. Thanks for the great idea – my 4 year old loves it! 🙂

  6. I love this! I found it in a post that linked to your blog! Wonderful!

  7. Great idea and love how it's all self contained. Just pinned! Vicky from

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